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How to Deactivate/Remove/Disable TIMELINE in FB

Lately, I was trying hard to figure out how to get rid of timeline. Its not because I don't like it, but my friends asked me to remove from their FB. Well, I tried going through developers site of FB but it didn't work. I was suppose to get the "edit apps" option on the "Apps" tab of my FB profile, but alas! nothing was there. So, I did a little research and figured out the most easiest way to get rid of the Timeline and make it reappear as and when I need.
So friends, Please follow the following procedure for the Firefox browser to get rid of Timeline.

 Video showing "how to disable timeline using add on feature of Firefox"

 The Process

Step one:      On the "Tools" menu of firefox browser click on "Add ons". If your toolbar doesn't appear initially press "ALT" from the keyboard and it will show your toolbars.

Step two:      On the search option bar  type "user agent switcher" and press search
Step Three:  Download and Install "user agent switcher" 
Step Four:    Restart Firefox
Step Five:    On the Firefox browser click on "tools"
Step Six:      Click on "Default User Account" >> "Internet explorer" >> "Internet explorer 7"
Step seven : Refresh your page and wallah! you see the old FB 

And whenever you want the timeline back, follow the same process and one Step Six select "default"

I hope it works... cheerrsss...


  1. The video is a blurr... can't see the buttons.. please upload a nice video.

    Thanks, it was informative though,
    Someone from Cincinnati


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