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Common Man- the Criminal and the Victim.

Yesterday I had a little discussion with one of my hostel mate. He is preparing for his Civil Services and wanted me to take part in a discussion. I didn't have a hint about the topic, type or matter that we are to discuss. He said let’s talk about States. Here States doesn't mean The US, it is our own Indian states. Why people are fighting? How feasible it is to carve a new State or say smaller states? The discussion was a little wayward but worth discussing.

He initiated by giving me a hint to talk about. GHADC or KHADC etc. GHADC here stands for Garo Hills Autonomous District Council and KHADC will be Khasi HADC. The discussion was, WHY?

It can be both of us having less knowledge or my power of convincing that made me write this article in my blog. It is true that people are fighting for smaller states. The reason is they felt their regions lack attention from the Government. Carving a smaller states may bring fast faced growth and better control. True, to some extent. We have examples of smaller states developing well like Sikkim and Uttaranchal and at the same time just the opposite is Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. 

The fight is not on need basis but on political ground. Carving a new state is easy, but the common man of these states does not realize why this is required. They shout a slogan being provoked, paid or forced to so. Why is it that we are still under the rules of few diplomats, ineligible leaders, corporatist and criminals? It is because, we have a need; that is MONEY and these people got that. What these leaders seek for is unnecessary fights and damages to either well maintained Govt. or trying to bring good prospect sector. They got a problem. This problem is either they want to do it their way or they feel that the current Govt. had blacked lot of money, which they should also get. 

At times these riots slows down; because these people are paid and once they spend everything again new agitation evokes. The problem everywhere in India from Common Man to Prime Minister is that we are not INDEPENDENT. We are less responsible, careless and non-cooperative, ill-mannered and let it be attitude of people.  Take for an example of local conveyance. We wait for a Bus at the Bus Stop. The driver is a common man, the passenger also is a common man. The bus never stops at the designated place, it is always in a hurry. The driver will not wait for all the passengers to board easily. At the same time, passenger will not form a queue. They will run on top of each other. There is no respect for elders, women and co-passengers. We read that, its our culture that we should respect elders. But does this respect is only for elders who are your blood-relative or known person?

Another incident in the bus. There are seats reserve for ladies where most of the time I can see guys occupying it. If a girl tells then only they will vacate it or else they don't give a damn to rules. Supported by the drivers and conductors who do not say anything to this guys. My friend said, these guys vacate the place when women tells them to and they will not sit again if someone shouts at them. Well, thanks for the information. We have seen toilets meant for ladies and gents, does man go to a ladies toilet stating if someone shouts at me I will never go. I guess not. If this can be followed in toilets then why not in buses, queues, trains and hospitals. 

I say, we the common man are the criminals and at the same time victims. I am walking through a road munching chips. After I finish I throw it on the road. I am a criminal for making our road dirty and next day we pass through the same road and say shit the MC is not cleaning the road. There are certain work that even the most corrupt government had done for us, but except pointing the issues that failed what else we have done till date. 

How many of us follow traffic rules, zebra crossing or signals. My friend said, these traffic cops, sometimes they will not catch you when you are not wearing a helmet and at times they do. When they catch you, it means they are in need of few free bucks and will ask for it. When they have money they will not. What I believe is the fault is ours. Not wearing a helmet is a crime. When a cop do not catch you, you zoom on your bike smiling, he never saw me. And when he gets you, you say that he needs money. Not wearing helmet, my fault. Paid a bribe to cop, my fault, skipped the signal, my fault and when I have to blame someone it’s the COP. 

We have leaders who are also not independent. Our PM for example is a very well-known economist and visionary. May be or not his views are not accepted or not even heard by his team members. The most unfortunate part is we do not have the guts to fight for the right. If I feel that my views are good or nation then I give a damn to the chair and the post lets nation succeed. What happens he will lose his post, he might be transferred or suspended from the party? Can’t we do the right thing? The time when Nation comes before our personal wishes, believe it or not each and every person in India will get ample space, reserves, food to survive. 

 India was divided, is divided and will remain the same on the basis of caste, creed, race, language, states, religion, culture etc. We live in a country having diversity in culture, religion, language etc. but for whom? We can't respect our own fellow neighbor, everyone cheats every now and then. Poor’s do not get food where Presidents are going round on the world tour. Too many religion, too many worshipping place and too much of donation. What for? 

 If we talk in terms of monetary stuff why to feed the statue or lazy spiritual leaders. Why not donate few special schools, orphanage, beggars, and elderly home. We live in a country where if Government increase Petrol price by Re 1 we burn the buses and at the same time when a pundit asks for Rs. 100001 for few worthless superstitions we give even more. If you are true follower of GOD then follow him the way he wants and not the way these ponga pundits wants.

Think about it!

This article is my personal thought, please read and comment. Apologies if I possess lack of knowledge in certain areas, I seek corrections.


  1. Its nice to see some fire within you, and thats the case with most of the literate and rational nationals. However due to tremendous pressure of career, prospects and excellence we often dodge it with cold water and succumb to the present condition and scenario. If a person happens to be in same condition for a long time he gets accustomed to it and later become a part of this self-centric system, which evoke him to be corrupt, indiscipline, lazy and above all develop the habit of blaming other (government, pakistan, leaders ..etc). So it is a vicious circle. A person has to be bold enough to be out of this system and fight, in which he may risk his life as well.


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