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Child Labour- Dark Side of the Coin.

God helps those who help themselves.

According to WIKIPEDIA : "Child labour refers to the employment of children in any work that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful. This practice is considered exploitative by many international organisations. Legislations across the world prohibit child labour. These laws do not consider all work by children as child labour; exceptions include work by child artists, supervised training, certain categories of work such as those by Amish children, and others."

I was walking towards my office when I saw a building constructing site. There were many blue colored plastic tents. Outside the tent I can see girls and boys of around 2 or 4 years playing in dirty, unhealthy environment. There were fouls, dirt, dust and chemicals everywhere.

Just ten yards after that, I saw a huge machine churning mixtures of cement, pebbles etc for the building construction. The person operating the machine was hardly 10 or 12 years of age. I felt real sad. I wanted to go there and ask about his education etc. but somehow I couldn't. Not because it was not accessible, just because I hate sympathizing. I felt, if I can't do anything, then why should I make him realize what is he missing? May be I was wrong.

These kids are mentally, physically, socially or morally harmed. Worse is the builder can't provide or do not want to invest on healthy living of his workers. In any MNC or Pvt. Companies we can see HR or Talent Development team, taking care of employees, asking about their troubles and to an extent supporting them. So, bottom line is that we care.  Sad part is- We care of those who can take care of themselves. Like GOD help those who HELP themselves.

These labourers do not earn enough to send their kids to School or provide them good lifestyle, thus their kids are also involved in work. Its called Child Labour in India. Whereas, Legislations across the world prohibit child labour but do not consider artists, supervised training etc. Reason being- this children can avail high end medical, professional, academics facilites in their cities. Just that they are in some sophisticated, high-profile job they are allowed to SKIP schools and enroll only for exams. On the other hand the one who are needy are SKIPPED every where.
  • Why can't we have a same law for Under 14 Age children everywhere? 
  • Why cant we have a law without exceptions? 
  • Why equality and support to these children are not available? 
  • Why our Govt. can't take a strong measure to eradicate this once and for all? 
  • Why is that a child earning hefty money doesn't come under CHILD LABOUR brackets?
  • Why is that, the one who are in need and are in a condition that they HAVE to work are not allowed to work?

Think over it.


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