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Just don't survive | No Gadget day | #noGadgetday #nogadgetday #Dec3 #sunday | Live life for your family and friends

With majority of people involved in gadgets and internet, we are unable to give time to kids, parents, family members and friends. I too am too much glued to my Android Phone. I am sure you guys are as well. Be it iPhone, iPad, tablet, android, laptop, internet or what not, we tend to ignore the best for the short chat or not so important swipe left or a like.

I thought and decided that on the first Sunday of December every year starting 2017, I gonna celebrate #noGadgetday or No Gadget day. Not because, one day will change the everything but this day can bring awareness.

Please give time to your family and friends and use gadgets as required do not add them as one of your body organ. There are many natural beauty, life learning and breathtaking moments that do not require us to capture and share through Instagram, Facebook, Google or others.

Have life, live and don't just survive..

Follow me on Twitter for more, @anujjoc
Like comment, criticize, share but please think about it..

#haihimmat  ( Do you have guts?)


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