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Tsunami and Pleasure

What is Sex, Exactly?

Sex- Term defined.

Sex, is nothing but a pleasure, fun, learning and education. We should not live in the world where due to insufficient sex habits people tend to commit sexual crimes. This is one of the best creation of nature to give pleasure to your counterpart. Safely and passionately delivered, will bring great results.


Sex Vaginal: Simple and traditional method of sex. This is considered to be the climax of all sex. For the man its Vaginal sex and for women its Penis sex. Sex always does not mean a man is dominating. Cause it is a mutual pleasure and satisfaction process.

Oral Sex

Oral sex is any kind of sex that involves contact between mouth and genitals. Oral sex can't get you pregnant. Its more of a fun when you are not ready for penetration, you can involve in oral sex and use the common terms to get more pleasure.

Anal Sex

Try to avoid this... cause this is new discovery of some sex maniacs. Preferred mainly by the gays.


Masturbation means touching yourself in order to feel sexual pleasure. Since you're doing it by yourself,
Considered as sex, but its not a sex it is just a method of overcoming your sexual urge.

Co operative Masturbation

Masturbating in front of a partner. May be male helping female to masturbate and vice versa.


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